This was intended to be a review, but because of what you are about to read, it won’t be a review. Instead it is a sort of public service announcement to anyone considering the Sony camera system and using a Mac.
Nikon and Canon are both feeling the pain caused by Sony releasing the A7 series. These cameras are compact yet full frame. To kick Nikon and Canon when they’re down, companies like Metabones have created adapters to accept lenses from other brands.
For Canon users, the Metabones adapter will allow you to use your lenses normally, with autofocus, image stabilization and so on. For Nikon users, you are stuck with only manual focus. But that’s not the end of the world because focus peaking is amazing, and Sony did a fantastic job with it.
With that said, it shocks me that Sony did not include a method to specify which lens is attached to the camera and what the F-stop range is. Because without it, the EXIF data has no clue what aperture is set. Not super important, but useful at certain points. In addition, software like that exists because Leica includes it in each of their cameras because none of their lenses have autofocus.
Sony did take the step to put Wifi in the camera, but why no GPS? In fact, Sony has their own App system where you can log into their store and install effects, wireless remotes and more. So why not software that syncs the GPS from a phone? That would make geotagging easy? Well, it doesn’t exist currently, but that’s where GPS4Cam comes into play.
The biggest issue at hand, and the one that caused me to write this is that the camera I received crapped out on me within an hour. I noticed the firmware version was not up to date so I downloaded the latest firmware and after the first try installing it, the camera died.
Sony designed its firmware updates so that you have to plug the camera into your computer via USB instead of putting the firmware on the memory card. Why try to change a system that camera companies have been successfully doing for years? Well, I guess they figured they innovated with the full frame mirrorless camera that they would try with their software too. They failed. The camera went from functioning hardware to a really beautiful looking paperweight.
Turns out that Sony didn’t think ahead with their firmware software. So if you are running a 64-bit Mac computer (which is most new computers these days), then the update will brick your camera. Sony apparently didn’t leave this as an issue for 64bit Windows. Maybe they’re trying to sell more computers.
So the camera was sent back.
The lesson I learned here is this.
Sony might have innovated with the camera design, but they failed on so many fronts. The camera could have been perfect in so many ways, but it’s missing very important things for photographers. Some of which I mentioned her and some I haven’t brought up.
It is time for Nikon and Canon to listen up. Your financial charts are going on a downward slope. You know it and we all know it. So start paying attention to what your customers want. Your customers are buying Sony A7 series cameras with the intention of using their Nikon and Canon lenses on it.
You know this.
So why would you not design a camera to compete with it? Why allow your customers to go somewhere else?
Stop being ignorant and failing hard. Start opening your eyes, listening to your loyal shooters, and release a fullframe mirrorless camera that has all the features that people want. Keep the menu systems the same, make fantastic products and watch your financial scale change direction.
Nikon, I have been using your equipment since I was little. My father and grandfather also used your equipment. In fact, both of their cameras are sitting behind me as I type this. So when I tell you all of this, it’s from the heart. It’s because I want to stay using your cameras. I do not want to go to Sony. I want to use my amazing Nikon glass on a Nikon body that is compact and fullframe… not a tiny sensor like what’s in the Nikon 1. I also want that camera to be included in NPS, which I am a member of.
So please listen to what I’ve shared. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. I am happy to talk.
However you do it – be smart about it.
Thanks for reading,
Read about my ideal full frame mirrorless camera from Nikon.
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