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5 Best WordPress Gallery Plugins For Photographers

WordPress Photography Themes

There are hundreds of WordPress gallery plugins available that photographers can choose from. Of course, if I had to pick one WordPress gallery plugin, I know which it would be. In this article, you are going to see 5 of the best gallery plugins for WordPress available.

WordPress Gallery Plugins for Photographers

Remember that as you go through this list, you also have a choice to use WordPress themes for photographers, as many of them have gallery management built-in.

WordPress gallery plugin

NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN Gallery is definitely the most popular WordPress gallery plugin of all, receiving thousands of downloads on a daily basis.  What sets NextGEN Gallery on top of the rest is its built-in gallery management system similar to a WordPress gallery theme.

Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery

For those who want something more basic than NextGEN Gallery, but equally as flexible and well built then Envira Gallery is the way to go.



I used to recommend SlideDeck, but it’s changed hands over the years, so I now recommend Soliloquy for anyone wanting a pure slider plugin for WordPress.


RoyalSlider has a similar slider feel to SlideDeck, however, its purpose is specific to photographs, not other content.  Royal Slider also happens to be the most popular of all WordPress gallery plugins on CodeCanyon.


Shutter uses a WordPress feature called custom post types which is a method becoming more popular in WordPress plugins.  Shutter also uses a simple lightbox method to show photographs larger.  There is also an add-on available to implement proofing into your Shutter galleries.

In Conclusion

Now that you are aware of the best gallery plugins for WordPress, I’d like to bring your attention to other essential WordPress plugins for photographers.

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,


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6 responses to “5 Best WordPress Gallery Plugins For Photographers”

  1. WOW! awesome collection! thanks )

  2. NextGen is my favorite. Thanks for the compilation.

  3. Jason Lemington Avatar
    Jason Lemington

    Great compilation!!! I have tried most of them and i’d like to share this one i’m using lately https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/iframe-embed-for-momentme/. Good for embedding photo galleries, free and no donation…

    1. The downside to that plugin is you’re limited to using moment.me photos only.

  4. A common request for photographers is the ability to password protect certain albums for client access only. Which WordPress plugins offer this facility?

    1. NextGEN Gallery uses the built-in WordPress page protection feature. Some of the others use their own methods.

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