When preparing for travel it’s easy to forget something that can be useful to continue working.
I’ve done it, you’ve done it and now it’s time to stop. When I am preparing for travel I often make a list of the necessities. I put it into an Excel spreadsheet. In one column I include the necessities and in the second column any accessories that would go along.
Below are some travel blogging accessories that I make sure I have with me or readily available at any given point in time.
I asked around on social media to get some feedback on this and two of the common replies were:
- A laptop
- A camera
I wouldn’t personally consider a laptop an accessory since a blog is digital. Really a laptop is a necessity as without it you can’t publish whatever content you’re writing.
Also, not every blogger owns a camera or wants one. (you’ll notice I mention a phone with a camera below) So I wouldn’t consider a camera an important accessory. In addition, many bloggers use stock images or creative commons images in their content.
Travel Blogging Accessories To Not Forget
Now it’s time for what I consider important travel blogging accessories to not forget.
Friend Maker
Chris Brogan named his travel surge protector the friend maker because he can use an outlet and allows random other people to also use it with him. I use a compact system from Belkin called the SurgePlus. This allows me to take one outlet and transform it into 3 surge protected outlets with 2 USB ports for additional charging. I can also swivel the device so it’s out of the way or for convenience.
I have used this on numerous occasions and always have it with me due to its compact size and light weight. Now my laptop, iPad and iPhone can all be charges easily and not prohibit other travelers from also charging.
Smart Phone w/ a Camera
It might sound obvious to have a phone with you, but having a phone with a good camera means you can capture photographs from the road and use them in your blog content.
Typically I will capture photographs with the built-in camera or use an app like Camera+ to have more control over the exposure. I will then use an app like Snapseed to further edit the photograph. Sometimes I will blog the photograph using Pressgram or sometimes upload the photograph to Dropbox for me to grab from the computer.
The other obvious (to some) feature of a smart phone is the ability to tether internet. This usually works by plugging the phone into a computer via USB cable, or connecting to the phone via Bluetooth or the phone sending out its own Wifi signal. Having this feature means that you can connect to the Internet from anywhere without worrying about public Wifi signals. Of course, this will use data and will typically be slower than the average Starbucks Wifi.
Speaking of Dropbox… this might not sound like an accessory since it’s not physical but I treat it as one. With both Dropbox and Copy you have the option to connect your mobile devices. So any blog drafts that you write in Word or a text file can be synced between your laptop, tablet and phone as needed.
iA Writer
If you’re like me then you most likely prefer blogging in software that will automatically sync between devices. That’s where iA Writer comes in because I can write without distractions and at the same time have my content backup to iCloud. iA Writer is not available for Android systems but it is for Mac, iPad and iPhone.
Another great tool is Evernote because you can keep your notes, ideas, checklists or even blog drafts. The best part about Evernote is that you do not need to worry about a specific cloud. Evernote syncs with its own servers and can be read on practically any device, including their own web interface.
Pen & Paper
I personally do not write physical notes for blog content as my handwriting is a mess. So I much prefer a note taking app on my phone and iPad that syncs to my computer. However, there are many bloggers that would much prefer a pad and pen. For those who fit the bill, I recommend the Moleskin line of notepads. They’re some of the best quality pads for your blogging notes.
Bonus Video
Shortly after writing this article I noticed that Amy Schmittauer published a video on a similar topic so I thought I’d share it with you.
At the end of the day the list of accessories could go on and on. When traveling you are limited to size and weight of items you can bring. So in addition to your tablet or laptop please try some of accessories I have listed and see how they help with your blogging workflow while on the road.
Before I sign off I want to recommend this article on blogging while traveling over at Blog Herald. It’s pretty good so please give it a read.
Dont’ forget to read my article about travel photography accessories to not forget.
Thanks for reading,
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