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When You Hit A Wall, Try Something Different

I’ve said this many times in previous articles, but I think it is worth reminding my readers of this simple idea.

If you ever get into a creative slump, a photographer’s block or any sort of place where you are feeling uninspired and not creative…

Go try something different.

Go for a 3 mile photowalk.

Try a different photo technique.

Use a technique you really dislike, and make it worth your while. #HDR #SelectiveColor

Challenge yourself.

Give yourself a project, even if short term.

During a recent photowalk in New York City I decided to photograph the unique doors of New York City.

You know that book, and website, Humans of New York? (HONY) How about Unique Doors of New York? (UDONY)

Think about this idea, then do it.

Make it happen.

Try something different.

When you hit a creative wall, try something different like a personal project.

As a side note – the same thing can be said about your job. If you don’t find yourself enjoying it, find a new job. You need to love what you do.

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