If you’re anything like me, then you do not like to exercise by going to a gym.
I’d much rather do it on my own.
So I’ve been trying something new recently. Doing at least 3 mile walks with nothing by a water bottle, an iPod or iPhone for music, and 1 camera and lens.
I found that by doing a 3 mile photowalk every day for a week, I lost 5 pounds. So not only is it physically and mentally healthy, but you are also practicing your craft of photography at the same time. When I do it, I am walking at a normal pace – absorbing in the environment and enjoying every second. The hour and change it taken out of my day is well worth it.
The photograph you see here was taken during one of these 3 mile photowalks. The sky was perfect and the sun was not too hot. The owners of this house planted a big patch of cactus plants along the street-line. I am assuming to keep people and animals off their property. It made for a bonus to my street-side landscape.
Give it a try for 1 week and comment with your results.
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Miles: I am about to rock the 3 mile photowalk challenge #3milephotowalk Tweet This
Kilometers: I am about to rock the 4.8 kilometer photowalk challenge #3milephotowalk Tweet This
Miles: I just rocked the 3 mile photowalk challenge #3milephotowalk Tweet This
Kilometers: I just rocked the 4.8 kilometer photowalk challenge #3milephotowalk Tweet This
Thanks for reading and happy walking.
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