Photographers, you should already have a Facebook fan page. If you don’t, make sure you head over to Facebook right now and create one. Then come back here and check this out.
Timeline Rules
You will notice that my timeline header image is very simple. That is because Facebook’s new rules for timeline pages are very picky. You need to have an even amount of text to graphics. You are not supposed to have a domain (.com, .net, etc) displayed in the header, and a variety of other rules.
- No price or purchase information, discounts, etc.
- No contact information, like a a website URL, email, physical address or other information in your About section. (I put my social media information on there as a test)
- No References to Facebook features (Share or Like)
- No calls to action, like “Download Now”
You will also notice that my fan page’s profile image fits nicely over the header and that the many “tabs” now have the ability to customize the default images. Cool, right?
Timeline Dimensions
- The header image dimensions are 850px by 315px
- The profile image dimensions are 160px by 160px (originally 126px by 126px)
- I made my tab images 400px by 400px and let Facebook shrink them down. The actual dimensions for the tab image are 111px by 74px
Timeline Image Tips
- Make sure one of your best/favorite photographs is displayed large
- Make sure your logo is in the image for branding
- Use call to action text in the custom tab images “Join the Newsletter”
- Put your location in the image so customers know where you’re located (local marketing)
To download a Photoshop template of the Facebook timeline header image, I recommend visiting The Modern Tog‘s blog as she has a free template available.
Now that you have the tools necessary to customize the look of your Facebook fan page, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Next week I hope to post a couple more articles with Facebook tips.
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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