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Photographer Facebook Tips

photographer, fans, flickr, fan page, ideas, screen shots

photographer, fans, flickr, fan page, ideas, screen shotsHere are some tips for photographers that created a Facebook fan page and either don’t already know what do with it or are trying to do more. I hope this gives you some ideas!

My Tips:

  • Create a Facebook page, not a group to use apps and stats
  • Use iFrames to create a great welcome page
  • Share your photos using either Facebook apps or the built-in photo function
  • Stream your blog posts using the NetworkedBlogs Facebook app
  • Share new work via links, photos, etc…
  • Share links when you find a new photographer who’s work you enjoy
  • Share reviews, tips and tutorials
  • Share new events you have or worked
  • Share industry news if you’d like
  • Connect Facebook to automatically Tweet news if you want.
  • Post discounts or use FBML to create a permanent discount box
  • Utilize Flickr, Twitter & Discussion apps
  • Make your Facebook page attractive.  Use colorful photos to enhance the experience
  • Create a welcome page with fun and informative text.  Make it personal
  • Reply to your fans!
  • Do Not post on the wall of a page you’re a fan of unless you are asked to.  It is not good etiquette to start posting your own work on other photography fan pages.
  • Promote photography events, especially local ones. (Better yet, organize one!)
  • Make it fun, not always business
  • Make connections and create contests giving away great products

Here are some screen shots from my Facebook page.
Screen shot 2009-11-11 at 10.49.27 AMScreen shot 2009-11-11 at 10.49.19 AMScreen shot 2009-11-11 at 10.48.47 AMScreen shot 2009-11-11 at 10.48.35 AMScreen shot 2009-11-11 at 10.48.27 AMScreen shot 2009-11-11 at 10.49.44 AM

Tips from 1stWebDesigner

  1. Never post abusive content.
  2. Don’t post illegal content updates.
  3. Don’t unnecessarily tag people in images and updates.
  4. Don’t completely automate your updates.
  5. Manage your frequency of update, don’t update too frequently.

read more from 1stWebDesigner

Contributors Tips

“I think it is very important for the photographer to interact with the fans. Many photographers create a fan page yet their audience seem to be other photographers. The focus should be on fans (if photogs are fans too then ok) and interacting with them. Potential clients and referrals can come this way. Blogs and Flickr can have a focus for audiences that are primarily photogs. Engage the fans on FB page.”  – Trudy

Please share your tips and ideas and as always, thanks for reading!


Updated 4/27/2011

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12 responses to “Photographer Facebook Tips”

  1. I think it is very important for the photographer to interact with the fans. Many photographers create a fan page yet their audience seem to be other photographers. The focus should be on fans (if photogs are fans too then ok) and interacting with them. Potential clients and referrals can come this way. Blogs and Flickr can have a focus for audiences that are primarily photogs. Engage the fans on FB page. I have a tiny tutorial of how to add the customized tabs to FB, I am using 3 customized ones right now: https://trushots.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-to-add…… Great post, thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for commenting Trudy! Great article on Static FBML as well!

  3. You're welcome, thanks for reading!

  4. I think it is very important for the photographer to interact with the fans. Many photographers create a fan page yet their audience seem to be other photographers. The focus should be on fans (if photogs are fans too then ok) and interacting with them. Potential clients and referrals can come this way. Blogs and Flickr can have a focus for audiences that are primarily photogs. Engage the fans on FB page. I have a tiny tutorial of how to add the customized tabs to FB, I am using 3 customized ones right now: https://trushots.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-to-add…… Great post, thanks for sharing.

  5. Yadira Laguerre Avatar
    Yadira Laguerre

    Very cool, Scott! Thank you!

  6. You're welcome, thanks for reading!

  7. Thanks for commenting Trudy! Great article on Static FBML as well!

  8. Yadira Laguerre Avatar
    Yadira Laguerre

    Very cool, Scott! Thank you!

  9.  Avatar

    Just noticed you have me on there, for shame! i need a better profile photo now!

  10. I have a fan page

    Currently 17,000 fans anfd growing – LIKE the page and get some tips.

    I only use built in photo application to create galleries and post photos. I found the most important thing to do was post photos. I figure i am a photographer not an writer or journalist and what i want to attract and retain are people who like my photos. And i must let you kow that it works.

    Facbook started keeping stats earlier this year and after checking these out i dicovered my photos have been presented over a million times on my fans and thier friends pages..

  11. Sean Fraser Avatar
    Sean Fraser

    Hiya Scott,

    great article. I literally finished coding up my page yesterday.

    Another tip I’d add is to tag ppl in photos – it gets their attention and automatically shows on that person’s new feed and that of their friends.

    I’ve tried to customise the page as much as possible and keep fans all within the bounds of the CSS designed pages – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ludlow-United-Kingdom/Photography-by-what-sean-saw/163169197028049?v=app_7146470109

    1. Nice job Sean! I like your tip, but not every person likes being tagged. In addition, not every person knows how to disable that feature. It’s a good argument though.

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