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My Own Digital Photography Workflow in Twitter

Inspired by @PicSeshu‘s post on his Tiffinbox blog I decided to take share my workflow using all Twitter links. Thanks to Twitter’s new @anywhere it actually makes this pretty simple. Enjoy!

Once contacted by a customer via @rocketgenius or @googlevoice on my @WordPress driven website schedule the gig with @googlecalendar and keep notes for the job using @googletasks.

The day of the gig I pack up my @NikonUSA cameras and lenses, @xrite_color ColorChecker Passport, Filters, Batteries, @Lexarmedia Compact Flash cards and whatever else I will need for the shoot. Usually it would involve @PocketWizard, @davidhonl tools, @lastolite, @ReallyRightStuf ball head, @manfrotto_tweet tripod and other misc @strobist type things. All of this gets packed into either @ThinkTankPhoto bags or my @guragear Kiboko bag and then put in the back of my @toyota Prius.

When the shoot is done I head home and using my Mac Pro & @Wacom tablet I will import my photos to @lightroom and do most of my edits there. Sometimes I will need to use @photoshop, @topazlabs, @niksoftware, @therealmikewong (OnOne) and other software. However I really enjoy @lightroom presets.

When I’m done importing, editing I make sure everything is backed up to my @drobo, @Zenfolio and @Mozy.

When I need photos printed I send them straight to @mpixpro or @mpix depending.

Update 8/20/2010 Since writing this I have switched from Zenfolio to SmugMug.  Smugmug uses BayPhoto as the print lab.

Did I miss anything?

Thanks for reading and happy shooting!

ps. Don’t forget to follow me on twitter @scottwyden

I had to remove Twitter @anywhere due to it slowing my site down and causing errors. I had to link the accounts manually

By Scott

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