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SEO for Photographers – A Necessary Evil

SEO for Photographers

SEO for Photographers? Well, SEO isn’t simple. If someone tells you it is, they’re lying. SEO takes time, energy, research, testing and learning.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via organic/algorithmic search results.

There are many components to boosting SEO, and thus boosting PageRank.

SEO Components

  • On-Site Optimization
  • Keywords
  • Backlinks & Link Building
  • Image ALT Attribute
  • Page/Post Titles
  • Page/Post URL Slug
  • Page/Post Word Count
  • Meta Title, Description & Keyword (Google no longer looks at keywords, but Bing does)
  • Site Speed
  • Advertisements (Too much is bad)
  • Social Media Activity
  • Local SEO
  • Meta Geo-location
  • Open Graph
  • Site Traffic
  • Domain Registration Age & Expiration
These and more makes SEO very difficult, but at the same time, SEO is a necessary evil.

SEO for Photographers

I have written about SEO for Photographer many times in the past. If you would like to learn more, please give these articles a good read.

SEO for Photographers


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Thanks for reading and happy shooting,


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2 responses to “SEO for Photographers – A Necessary Evil”

  1. Olivia Green Avatar
    Olivia Green

    Great work, Scott.
    However considering you blog or update content regularly, give descriptive alt tags to images and stay updated on social media pages, its not that difficult to drive organic traffic to your website.
    I’ve built my photography website with Pixpa, and they allow me to define SEO tags for individual items including images. I tend to blog twice every week and share work on social medias. Its just been a year and I’ve already seen vast changes in my site traffic.

    1. Hey Olivia, can I see your website? I have been looking for a new website and I’ve seen you in many blog posts commenting about pixpa, I’m starting to think that you are a fake user just to get people to buy pixpa because one, you work for them or you are affiliated

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