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Rocks At Portland Headlight


The first stop on our way up to Acadia National Park was Portland Headlight. What a gross day, weather wise. It was hard enough to see a few feet in front of you let alone try to get something with your camera.

I spent some time doing long exposures as a way to break away from the norm of photographing the light house.

So I set up to photograph these rocks, and managed to get some really cool photos where the water just breaks right through the cracks between each rock.

I have been nominated for the black and white challenge by Matt Suess. The deal is that for 5 days you must post a black and white image and each day nominate another photographer to do the same. Today is day 4 of 5 for me. Today I will nominate Joe Hoetzl for the challenge.

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2 responses to “Rocks At Portland Headlight”

  1. Heh… it always messes with my mind when east coast folks are talking about the “other” Portland :)

    1. I like messing with your head :-)

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