Today I’m sharing another photo critique from the community. Previously I shared a video of a photograph that was processed with some pretty unique color styling. While it worked, I had something different in mind.
This photo critique also works well, but as you will see I would process it very different.
As you see between the comparison (my processing on the left), the photographer went with a punchy/grunge filled processing style. It works, but also has slightly too much texture and clarity on the overall photograph. The downside to going with texture throughout an entire scene is reducing the chances of a viewer’s eye having one specific place to focus on.
In the video below you will see how I would go about processing a landscape like this. It is always worth noting that the photographer’s processing is not wrong. Every photographer has their own point of view and vision. In the video is mine, and it is not the best way, the only way or the wrong way. It’s an opinion as well.
After sending the video to the photographer and asking for permission to share it on the blog, I received the following reply.
It’s fascinating thing to see. In fact it’s quite horrifying to see how garish and overdone my processing was. I do feel I over to do it, probably to compensate for a beginners lack of technical acumen when taking the photo.
I did remember the aqua being quite strong in the water, to the eye, but not that much.
This has certainly helped me, I think I will approach my processing with a little more subtlety from now on.
Many thanks
So as you can see the photographer was happy with what I shared, and learned something from it.
Mission accomplished.
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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