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In The Darkness The Moss Will Grow



Sometimes it’s hard to tell when something is man-made or Earth made. This mossy wasteland is actually underneath a man-made walkway at the Cape May Zoo. There are no zoo rides or attractions in the water. Only wildlife (not even part of the zoo). This water separates the caged animals from the open range animals like giraffes.

While all the tourists were walking by headed to see more animals, I stopped for a bit to admire the moss and stillness of the water. It was a bright sunny day so I decided work some post-processing magic to make it more dramatic.

In Lightroom I dropped the exposure and cooled the tone down. Then I used the select color enhancement tool and brightened the moss. To finish it off I used the brush tool to add sharpness and clarity to the trees, added a slight vignette and 16:9 ratio cropping to add the cinema look.

In The Darkness The Moss Will Grow…

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,


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4 responses to “In The Darkness The Moss Will Grow”

  1. Brian Stephens Avatar
    Brian Stephens

    Thank you for sharing this photo and explaining some of your post processing techniques, (a lot of photographers wouldn’t do that). The fact that many people just walk right past a view like this, (while holding a camera) just amazes me. Thank you for stepping off the path.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Brian.

  2. Looks like a very interesting location… I’m sure there were plenty of photo angles there. The processing worked well on this one.

    1. Thanks Aaron, I wish it wasn’t as crowded because I would have spent a lot more time in this area.

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