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Artisan in Residence at The Photo Frontier


artisan-in-residenceIt’s not always about being technical. Many times it’s about the creative journey. Sometimes it’s just about the adventure and exploring with friends.

The Photo Frontier is not just another photography website. It’s not just a photography group. It’s a community of photographers who want to enrich their lives through creativity, engagement and fun.

Yes there is education. Yes there are tasks. But it’s not about a certificate and it’s not about becoming the greatest photographer in the world. It’s about enjoying what you’re doing, and enjoying the journey towards your goal.

The Photo Frontier is more than just a place to learn about photography. It’s a place where a community is built and nourished. It’s a place where friends gather to experience something more than your standard education. It’s fun, it’s exciting, and it’s challenging. Packed with so much content that never seizes to inspire.

The Photo Frontier is more than just a place to learn about photography.

This is The Photo Frontier Fellowship of Explorers.

The Photo Frontier is the place to meet like-minded people, share stories and photos, to inspire and be inspired, and to learn new skills and techniques for living a creative life.

The Photo Frontier a place where a community is built and nourished.

I have had the pleasure of becoming friends with the two amazing people behind The Photo Frontier, Justin and Armando.

Over the years we have traveled together, chatted long into the night about life and art.

When they approached me to inquire about my interest in becoming an Artisan in Residence at The Photo Frontier, I jumped on the opportunity.

Because TPF is not about the technical aspects of photography. Yes, that is discussed.  But TFP is more about the creative approach than anything else.

The Photo Frontier is a membership that goes way beyond your typical member based photography site. The community is online and offline. But here is some of what’s included in the explorer membership.

As a member you will get access to:

  • Creative lessons
  • Weekly photo processing videos
  • Monthly location videos
  • Private Facebook community
  • Monthly expeditions
  • Twice monthly journal

And so much more.

By joining us on The Photo Frontier journey, you’ll gain access to all past, present, and future adventures. You’ll be a part of a community of like-minded, creative people who are there to help, encourage, and inspire you, and for whom you can do the same in return.

You’ll gain access to the full library of videos, pictures, stories, and tutorials covering all aspects of photography from the ‘how’ to the ‘why’, and you can share your own adventures as well in the exclusive community, “Explorers the Frontier”.

I think the bylaws of The Photo Frontier speaks for itself, “Respect and encourage one another. All cameras are welcome. Live a creative life.” (Tweet this)

I hope that you will check out The Photo Frontier today, learn, and explore with me.

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