The main reason a photographer creates a website for their business, is to grow their business. Makes sense, right?
One of the best marketing tools for a photographer’s website, aside from the blog, are testimonials or accolades. No matter what you call it, potential customers like to see true feedback from past customers.
If you’re using WordPress themes for photographers, then you can easily add a testimonial in a footer widget, sidebar widget or somewhere in page content.
“The class is lined up at attention facing the senior instructors The class remains in that position however long it takes for the most senior instructor to finish his thoughts on the events of the evening. Every karate class is followed by some words of wisdom from the instructor. At the end of this particular session merit awards were presented for exceptional accomplishments.
If you visit the home page of my website, you will notice a rotating testimonials widget in the footer. That was made using SlideDeck, one of the many useful WordPress plugins for photographers.
In addition to that widget, I also included a couple of testimonials on my “about” page and have even created a specific testimonials page for visitors who want to see more. On the testimonials page, I have also included an embedded iframe from Twitter of all Twitter accolades that have been favorites. Read more on Social Proof from Mindvalley Insights.
I also want to point out that this idea doesn’t have to be specific to testimonials. It goes for club and organization memberships, like NAPP, ASMP, etc.
Now I want to hear from you. What are you doing to share your accomplishments & merits?
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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