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Why is part of my photo flashing white and black?

I get that question asked a lot. Apparently many people turn it on accidentally. I’m sure someone wrote about it online before but I figured I’d share so all of my readers know what it is.

If you are ever reviewing your photos on the camera and see that part of the photo is blinking white and black this is why. Your camera’s review mode is set to show the highlight areas. The areas that are so bright that they either barely have detail or have no detail at all.

This setting can be changed easily. On a Nikon Digital SLR camera while looking at a photo you have taken push the UP/DOWN button to change the display mode. If you set your camera so UP/DOWN change the photo then your LEFT/RIGHT button will act as the display mode setting.

On some Nikon’s you can also make this happen permanently. Watch this video below to see it done on a Nikon D200.

On a Canon Digital SLR camera while looking at a photo you have taken push the INFO button to change the display mode.

Of course the best way to find the feature is to check your camera’s manual. Look for Display Mode, Highlights, Picture Review or something along those lines.

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,

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18 responses to “Why is part of my photo flashing white and black?”

  1. Toni Aull Avatar
    Toni Aull

    Great info Scott, those little spaces on the camera makes it hard for big or BIGGER fingers to get in the way, must practice to perfect

    1. You’re welcome, thanks for commenting!

  2. Parker Henry Avatar
    Parker Henry

    wow, this make so much sense now! i was soo confuse wit all those flashy parts on mi pic… now its fixd thank u scot ????

  3. Chris Price Avatar
    Chris Price

    Wow, I had no idea why my photos were blinking like that! Thanks for explaining it so simply. I’m gonna try changing the display mode now!

  4. Chris Collins Avatar
    Chris Collins

    “Happy shooting” lol thanks man, didn’t know what the flashing meant either, now I can fix it easy!

  5. Reid Pete Avatar
    Reid Pete

    Wow, I always wondered why my pictures were flashing like that! Thanks for explaining it so simple. Gonna try that on my Nikon.

    1. Isobel Roberts Avatar
      Isobel Roberts

      Same here! I thought my camera was broken or something haha. This was super helpful!

  6. Anderson Sean Avatar
    Anderson Sean

    I never understood what the flashing meant. Now it makes sense, thank you for making it clear!

  7. Cbennett Avatar

    This post just saved me hours of frustration! My Canon does this and now I know how to turn it off. Thanks Scott!

  8. Ward Claire Avatar
    Ward Claire

    *thank u soooo much*!! ???????? I cudnt figger out why part of pic waz blinking black&white.. now with ur help ill look in my manual n set it rite finally!

  9. Elizabeth Wilkinson Avatar
    Elizabeth Wilkinson

    Omg this was so helpful! I was so confused about those blinking parts on my pictures. Now I know what to do! Thanks a lot!

  10. Bethany Baker Avatar
    Bethany Baker

    Thanks Scott!! I always wondered what that blinking thing was but never bothered to look it up. This is super easy to follow!

  11. Logan Rogers Avatar
    Logan Rogers

    @Scott u a live savr!!! I thought my camra was broke haha but NO its just some setting!! gon follow what u sed an get it workin agen!

  12. Edwards Grant Avatar
    Edwards Grant

    Wow i never knew bout that blinky thing! i alwayz thot it was brok or sumthing.. this help me so much now i can fix it on my nikon!! thx 4 the tip!!!

  13. Cox Damien Avatar
    Cox Damien

    omg! i allways wunderd wht them blinkin things wuz lol now I kno its jus too brites in the pic!! gonna try it on my camrea later 2day ????????

  14. Tadams Avatar

    I can’t believe it was such a simple fix! I’ve been seeing those blinking spots and thought my camera was broken lol. You just saved me from buying a new one haha.

  15. Harry Khan Avatar
    Harry Khan

    Great tip! I didn’t even know cameras had this feature, thought something was wrong with my pictures. Now I can fix it no problem. Thanks man!

  16. Quentin Davis Avatar
    Quentin Davis

    Oh man, I didn’t even know about this! The blinking always confused me. Thanks a lot for this info!

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