A few years ago I taught a short, 20 minute or so, workshop on HDR photography. The workshop was during a photowalk from Springfield, NJ to a park in Millburn.
I scoped out the park before hand, so I could choose a spot for the workshop. The park has a large lake that would be perfect for the photowalkers to experiment in HDR.
After the mile a change walk from the starting point to the park, we noticed a couple things, that changed the plans for the day.
1) The lake we were supposed to shoot near, was dredged for cleaning
2) It was so hot the grass in the park was dead
When faced with an unexpected situation like this, the only thing to do is adapt.
The lesson to be learned here is quite simple. Make due with what you’re given. (tweet this)
Find a solution, find a new scene, find a new angle. Don’t quit because the lake is dredged.
Now a few years later, I revisited one of the frames from the day, and processed the photograph in onOne Software Perfect Effects.
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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