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Talk Imagery Podcast – Episode 2

Talk Imagery Podcast

Talk Imagery PodcastSo here it is, Episode 2 of the Talk Imagery Podcast.  As we continue creating these episodes, the podcast will slowly take its natural shape, form and style.  While we get the structure in place, I hope you continue to enjoy the podcast’s raw format.

Remember, we talk about the topics you suggest so please comment with your topic ideas for future episodes.

Episode Two Topic

The topic of episode two started with discussing Flickr vs your own website or blog.  Or using SmugMug, Photoshelter, FotoMoto, Zenfolio, etc.  We also discussed using Twitter and Facebook for personal or business and a few other quick topics.  During the discussion, the dumb Gilbert Gottfried tweets were mentioned as an example of using Twitter the wrong way.

Episode Two Photographers

The photographers I talk with in episode two include Pat O’Brien, Rob Hanson, Brian MatiashJohn MillekerHeath O’Fee,  Phil Cohen, Joe Hoetzl, Jesse Pafundi, Mike Olbinksi and Dave Wilson.

Episode Two


Talk Imagery Podcast on iTunesEach episode will be posted on my blog and the blog of the photographers’ taking part in the discussion. You can also subscribe to the Talk Imagery Podcast direct RSS feed hosted by Feedburner, on iTunes, AppleTV and on your Roku box and on YouTube.

What you need to do

Here is where you, the viewer (and reader) come in. The only way for this concept to work is for you to comment with topics you would like to see and hear being discussed. So please, comment here with your ideas. Lets make the Talk Imagery Podcast a rockin show!

Thanks for reading (and watching) and happy shooting,

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7 responses to “Talk Imagery Podcast – Episode 2”

  1. So sorry for my crappy sound :(

    1. It’s part of the RAW nature of the podcast :-)

  2. Scott Webb | Nuwomb Avatar
    Scott Webb | Nuwomb

    There are a few things I’d like to comment on because I think this could be an awesome podcast.

    I know you’re going for the “raw nature” but you’ll have to moderate to cut down on the external sounds. The water dripping – I think skype sounds effects – were really though to listen to for the podcast. I couldn’t imagine too many people putting up with it to be honest. I did because I’m hardcore like that but you know what I mean. I don’t know if the water drops were because people got messages or what not but I started to wonder if guys were messaging each other through it.

    That brings the second point – The typing sounds too. There were a number of times I heard typing while people were talking and it was pretty tough. I’d probably try and make sure everyone keeps from surfing the net and typing while the video is on. Again, the typing may have been due to messaging each other.

    Those 2 things were really pushing me to stop the video and write it off. Understand it’s very free and laid back but it’s something to think about if you want to viewership to grow behind the circle of photographers.

    I liked the topics! I am probably going to write up my thoughts on the subjects soon. It’s interesting because I had mentioned that I would probably renew my Flickr Subscription but not post there much. This happened to be total coincidence as I watched this video later. I’ll explain more on my own blog.

    I just wanted to give some honest feedback to hopefully help make the podcast even stronger and kill it. I can see it being really awesome

    1. Scott,

      re: the sounds. I was thinking the same thing while recording the podcast, and it actually got on my nerves re-listening to it when processing the video.

      There will be a few changes with the podcast starting in episode 3. The sounds are just one of them.

      Thanks for the comment!

  3. Scott Webb | Nuwomb Avatar
    Scott Webb | Nuwomb

    Awesome to hear – I hope to get into one of these someday too. Great stuff

  4. Well, that was an interesting podcast. Never have seen most of you before, so good to see you all and your interactions. Can’t say I could watch 1 1/2 hour podcast often, so a bit shorter might be better, but it was fun – looked like you guys were having a good time.

    1. It was longer than we wanted for sure. Future episodes are going to be around 30 minutes or so. Thanks for watching John!

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