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When Situations Are Handed To Us On A Silver Platter


When you are walking through a location and see that a scene is set up in what appears to be specifically for you to photograph, take advantage of it.

I have mentioned, here on my blog, many times that I love Eastern State Penitentiary. Every time I go there, sometimes is new to photograph. Either something has literally moves, been fixed, restored or just missed the first times.

The day that I was at ESP for the photograph you see here, was cleanup day for Transformers filming cleanup. Yup, a scene from Transformers 2 was filmed at the prison.

There was one car left, but closed off so no one can photograph it. But one of the hallways between cell blocks, was left as it was in the movie. The debris on the ground is never there when you go to tour the prison. In fact, all the debris is laying on a carpet for easy cleanup.

So while this scene was not set up specifically for me to photograph, it sure felt that way. So I slapped on my Nikon 14-24 lens (which has since been sold) and set up to get this shot.


I decided to bring the photograph into onOne Software Perfect B&W to get a very dramatic tone with high contrast.

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,



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