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Portraits Pop With Perfect Portrait


If you read my blog often, then you know I am a huge fan of onOne Software’s Perfect Photo Suite. It’s the best photo editing software available, by far.

The photo you see here, was shot in a portable studio I set up at a client’s location. The intention of the session is to capture the clothing, not the model. The model is there as a bonus. You see, this client hires me to photograph the clothing so he can present a clothing portfolio to potential buyers. From there, the company purchasing the clothing would have it branded with their name and then create their own photographs for their catalogs and websites. “It’s all about the clothes“.

For this photograph, I used onOne Software Perfect Portrait. The software identifies the person’s face and then enables the photographer to process eyes, teeth and lips separate from skin and clothing. It’s a beautiful thing.

Check out the process in the video below. The speed in the video is faster than real-time to condense into around 5 minutes

As you can see, it takes patience, time and zooming to get it right. After fine-tuning the model, I brought the photo into Perfect Effects for some final processing touches.

In the end, I’m very happy with the results. Although the session was for the clothing specifically, I was able to get some pretty great portraits for my own portfolio.

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,


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