Looking down on a street from above can look great. However it can look better with a Tilt Shift. Purchasing a Tilt Shift lens can get quite expensive ($2000) for Nikon and Canon. There are cheaper ways of doing it, like Tilt Shift software and plugins. You could also buy a Lensbaby: fun and under $300.
The least expensive way to do it is using tiltshiftmaker.com: free and handles a pretty nice JPG size. The max JPG size is 6000 x 6000 pixels & 8MB.
Below you can see the original photo I took in Washington DC from the observation deck of the Newseum. Below that you can see the tiltshiftmaker.com version. I increased the shift effect a lot in this image but that is one of the nice things of tiltshiftmaker.com. They give you flexibility for the same price of free.
So give the website a try since it is free. You can’t lose.
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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