One of the stops on the Acadia National Park trip was to Otter Cliffs.
Len and Bob, who have been there before, warned us that the rocks get very slippery. So I decided to wear my heavy-duty boots. In addition to intense treads, they’re also waterproof (up to a point).
I’m glad I went with those boots. During the changing sun, the tide got higher and higher. In fact, some of the guys had wet feet afterward.
For this site I went with long exposures because I knew the waves were getting bigger with each other minute.
The exposure was long enough to force the water to fog up near the rocks, but also show movement further out. The light bouncing off the rocks and cliffs were warm and golden.
This is a beautiful scene also visible from a distance at Thunder Hole.
If we had more time I would have loved to spend another hour here, but we had a fairly tight schedule with so many spots to visit and photograph.
But this photo is up there with my favorites from the trip.
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