A couple weeks ago I was in Hoboken some family and friends. I wanted to capture some sunset panoramic photographs of the New York City skyline as my brother recently moved to Hoboken and wanted a photo for his wall.
For the photograph I was using the Nikon D800 and 24-70mm lens. I was zoomed to 70mm at f/8, ISO 100 and the shutter was a fun 3 seconds long.
I wasn’t sure where to start with the processing but I knew I wanted the golden tones to pop more than the water. So what I did was explore the new Replichrome Lightroom presets from Get Totally Rad. The reason for this is because slide film (chrome) is known for their vibrant colors, so if GTR did a good job replicated some of them, I knew it would be a good start.
After finding a starting point I went through and adjusted the tones, saturation, curves, contrast and so on. When all was complete I added a gradient filter to blur the water move so the skyline and sky are the point of focus.
I decided to share this photograph on Google Plus before the blog because September 19th, 2013 was the Weather Channel’s first Sunset Day.
I hope you enjoy the photograph as much as I do.
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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