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#AskScottWyden Is This Camera Good & Which Lenses Should I Get?

#AskScottWyden Is This Camera Good & Which Lenses Should I Get?

#AskScottWyden Is This Camera Good & Which Lenses Should I Get? Today’s question was a welcomed surprise. The question was related to purchasing new gear, specifically a camera and lens.

Gear Aquisition Syndrome or G.A.S. is a serious problem in the photography industry. It’s something so many photographers deal with, and so much so that the industry might need a support group for it.

I will admit, I too have G.A.S., but I have grown to control it and understand what I need versus what I want.

Here was Lon’s question.

“…My wife and I love your classes and tutorials. We want to go from amateur to professional photographers. We are in a learning process right now to help us get there. I know that many pro’s mention that they use: Canon EOS 5D Mark III Digital SLR Camera. I know there is the debate between Canon or Nikon being better than the other. I just want to know what you think about this particular camera and what lenses to start out with and any other suggestions you may have. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

I appreciated the email and comment. I’m glad to hear he is learning everything he can to go pro. That journey never ends!

Yes, there is a long debate between Nikon and Canon. My view on that is simple. Go with whatever works best for you. So if you like the feel of Canon cameras in your hand, and the focus direction and the other quirks from the system, then do it. If you like the same with Nikon, then do that instead.

With that said, The Canon 5D Mark III has a great reputation of quality. It’s built solid, like other Canon pro bodies, and has a sensor that can output the results any pro would hope for. Just remember, though, that the camera does not make the photographer. So there is still the chance to make bad images with a camera like that. I’m not saying you will, but it happens.

When it comes to lenses, that depends on what type of photography you will be doing.

If you will be photographing weddings, then my suggestion is to pick up 35mm and 85mm prime lenses. That would cover the entire range you commonly need for a wedding.

If you will be photographing commercial work, like for advertisements, then maybe a 24-70 or 24-120 range lens would be beneficial.

If real estate then maybe a 20mm prime lens would be sufficient.

Think long and hard about what you will be photographing on a regular basis, and then will help determine what lens or lenses are needed.

Do you REALLY need that lens?

By Scott

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