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#AskScottWyden Do I Need An Intern For My Photography Business?

#AskScottWyden Do I Need An Intern For My Photography Business?
#AskScottWyden Do I Need An Intern For My Photography Business?

Today’s #AskScottWyden has two parts to it.  I was asked if a photography intern was needed for a wedding photography business that is too busy to create content for blogs and social media.

The first part of the question that came in as follows:

“Social media, big bear. How does one go about getting an intern to handle something like that?
If everyone is correct, and you should be posting everyday, then we need someone who is
up on all the current “in” spots, and can do that posting for us.

Would appreciate any ideas on the whole subject of social media. Thanks”

Really interesting question. Do you really need an intern for that?

I personally don’t think so.

But if your photo business is busy enough where you think you need someone to do it for you then I suggest going to local colleges to find someone. Because there are people out there who can help.

With that said, there are tools you could use to automate much of your social media marketing.

The next part of the question goes into more about finding someone to write content for a website and/or blog.

“…we are busy, we do about 50 weddings a year, just the two of us. So with the album design, portrait sessions, sales sessions, we both are covered up most of the time. Seems it is more critical than ever to be “present” in social media, or the potential clients can assume you stale, or no longer relevant.

I do have a WordPress blog, and use a plugin for posting on Facebook/Twitter. But just scheduling the time to do a blog
post is difficult at best. Also, got a suggestion for finding good content? Rather than just posting our work all the time,
some informational posts would be fresh.

Thanks for your help, and prompt response.”

If you have a photography business, and cannot find an intern to hire, or one you trust writing your website or social content, then I suggest hiring a ghost writer that specialized in photography.

My friend Rachel, and her team at Fotoskribe, does an amazing job with that. Check out their services and if you give them a try, tell them I sent you over!

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