How often to you look at your website analytics?
If your answer is rarely, then you should rethink your strategy. At a minimum, you should be looking at your website statistics once every month.
Where is your traffic coming from? Is it converting to leads? Are you selling photographs directly through your website? Is eCommerce tracking set up correctly? Are visitors coming from the locations you want?
If you are not using Google Analytics and need assistance installing it on your website or learning how to use it, get in touch.
Do you have the Google Analytics script installed on your website, but need basic training on how to use it? I can help – and it will only cost you $100 for a one hour session, with a basic walkthrough and answering your questions.
Do you also need the tracking script installed on your website? With only an additional $25 for WordPress websites, I can install and verify that your tracking script is installed correctly. If your website is HTML or another CMS, I can install and verify the script for $50.
The training session can be through Skype, iChat or Google Plus – your choice.
- $100 – Basic Google Analytics training / one hour
- $125 – Installation/verification of installed Google Analytics tracking for WordPress & basic training
- $150 – Installation/verification of installed Google Analytics tracking for HTML or misc CMS & basic training
Bonus: Free Custom Reports, Advanced Segments & Dashboards that could be useful for your website
Get in touch and see if I can help you understand your website audience.
Need a different type of training? Just let me know and I will put a package together for you.
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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