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What makes HDR Efex Pro different / better than Photomatix?

Jen Smith

Jen SmithI asked my Facebook Fan page to share their questions about Nik Software’s HDR Efex Pro.  I told them that if I can answer the questions I would.  Here is a question, and the answer.

Jenn Smith asks “What makes it different/better than Photomatix?”

Well Jenn, it isn’t necessarily better really, but it sure is different. If you have used or still use any Nik Software plugins and feel comfortable with the easy, simplistic layout.  If you enjoy using their patented U-Point technology built into every plugin they make then you will love HDR Efex Pro.

HDR Efex Pro User Interface
HDR Efex Pro User Interface

No matter if you use Photomatix or HDR Efex Pro, you will have to learn how to use their sliders so you are happy with your processing results.

Both Photomatix (Version 4) and HDR Efex Pro both have visual Presets.  That means that you can see a thumbnail of how your photo will look with each preset.

Ghosting is always an issue with HDR.  Up until now, every HDR application has taken complete control over de-ghosting. Photomatix 4 now has a manual de-ghosting tool which is pretty solid.  HDR Efex Pro, like all of the HDR applications, give you basic options depending on the scene and then it automatically tries to correct for the ghosting problems.

So to sum it up.  Is HDR Efex Pro better?  No, but it sure is different than Photomatix.  Again, the interface is more appealing for most that are used to Nik Software’s interface.  They are both very powerful HDR applications and they both can produce stunning results.  HDR Efex Pro has one up on Photomatix due to the Nik Software U-Point technology but then again, Photomatix has a manual de-ghosting tool.

The best way to determine which you are more comfortable with is to download both trial versions and see for yourself.

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,


Save 15% off Photomatix by using the discount code “ScottWyden15

Save 15% off HDR Efex Pro product using the discount code “scottwyden

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