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Lighting a truck with one light and making it work

Andrew lifted his ’05 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon so we had to take it out to photograph it. So Andrew, Courtney and I went on a mission. I brought with me a D700, 70-300 VR, 50mm, an SB800 and 2 PocketWizards. The goal was to have fun shooting his truck. No other goals in mind. Andrew brought his Honl Gels with him so I had to start experimenting. The photo above is taken at a pretty long distance using the 70-300mm lens.

I use the PocketWizard to trigger the flash and exposed to make the 5PM sunny sky look like it was getting dark. I love doing that. The Jeep has some harsh shadows because of the one light. I also had to put the flash on the ground since we didn’t bring light stands and all three of us were shooting the truck at the same time.

Athough doing this caused the harsh shadows it also enabled us to use the rocks on the ground as a dim reflector.

The photo above shows you the setup. Basic yet functional.

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,

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