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HDR Tennis Game 13 Result

HDR Tennis Game 13 Result

HDR Tennis Another really fun set of brackets in Game 13 of HDR Tennis.  This set of brackets is from my friend Bob Lussier.  When I process HDR photographs, I typically try to make the result as realistic as possible.  For this shot, however, I decided to go with a different look.  More alien, if you will.

My Steps

  1. Tone-Mapped in Photomatix
  2. Processed in onOne Software PhotoTools
  3. Focus adjusted in onOne Software Focal Point
  4. Minor contrast pop using Nik Software’s Silver Efex Pro 2

The Video

The Result

HDR Tennis Game 13 Result
HDR Tennis Game 13 Result

Join HDR Tennis on Facebook and give the next match a try. Don’t forget to check out my friend Bob’s website for some of his amazing photography.

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,

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383 responses to “HDR Tennis Game 13 Result”

  1. great tutorial – nice for you to put the time in and show how its done.

    1. Thanks Mark. I’ve been trying to do these videos for each match. https://scottwyden.com/tag/hdr-tennis/

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