What do you think?
There are thousands of photographs from the history of photography that are not in focus. So why do people get upset when a photograph is out of focus?
It really depend on the photo. That’s my opinion at least.
Photos don’t have to be perfectly in focus to be interesting.
This photo from a NYC subway is soft because I did not want to look like a creepy dude making a photograph of the dude standing that close to me.
So I did the fake “looking at my screen” quick framing and capture. The photo is super interesting and a fun “street photograph” although it’s in a subway stop. But as I said, it’s not perfectly in focus.
If this photograph was of someone I was hired to photograph then focus would matter.
If this photograph as a loved one then I would want it in focus, and it would matter.
So focus priority is a matter of perception, desire and need.
For this photo, it’s unnecessary.
Thanks for reading,
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