“When we play out-of-state, the crowds love us and show it. When we play in Jersey the crowds just stand there like we are the Insane Clown Posse.” is a quote from an interview I did back in 2002 with Chorus & Verse
I was with Fairmont for a while back in college. The music people liked was so different than what we were playing so the Jersey crowd didn’t really dig it, or even get it. We were more like Nada Surf meets The Pixies. However, when on tour people were loving it, singing along and dancing to our music.
When I changed my major from music to photography I had to make a huge choice and left the band. It was not a happy point in my life but it turned out well. Do I miss it? Of course, I do. But I am so proud of what Neil has accomplished and how the band has progressed. When Neil first started writing as Fairmont his voice was unique, to say the least. It is one of the things that made me want to join Neil’s new project. Was it bad? No. Could it use work? Yes. Well, it is now 2009 and I have never been more proud of something I was involved in. Fairmont has released their newest album “Transcendence” which is getting great reviews. Neil’s voice has become so strong and his confidence shines through the music. With new additions to the band like Christian Kisala previously from The Finals, the music is brought to a whole new level.
I wrote a lot of songs for the band back in the day and co-wrote many with Neil. Something that makes me even prouder is how Fairmont rewrote “True Love Waits” for the new album. Neil and I wrote this together from scratch and to me is the most meaningful song I was involved with from Fairmont. Take a look at an old video of when I was in the band compared to where they have progressed to now. Artemis is a song I wrote that was extremely popular. It was so popular that Neil recorded many different versions of it over the years.
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