If you’re ever considering a registrar change, then listen up
i.e., GoDaddy to Hover
I recently transferred my domain, scottwyden.com, from GoDaddy to Hover.com and it turns out that Hover made an error.
I’ve worked with a lot of domains, and never experienced this issue before. Fortunately, I always protect myself when making important changes to my website.
Turned out that Hover did not transfer my DNS information over like so many registrars do. So that meant that:
– My website was down
– My invoice software was down
– My CDN was down
– My email was down
and so on…
Now, because I use WP Engine (https://scottwyden.com/
So how did I protect myself? Here is my tip… Whenever doing something important always have a backup.
For example, if you’re making changes to your website, use a backup tool. (https://www.photocrati.com/
As a backup for my DNS, I grabbed a screenshot of all the GoDaddy DNS settings on one screen. Then when on Hover, I manually re-added them all until it matched word for word and digit for digit. A few minutes later and I was back online.
Moral of the story… have a backup plan.
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