Topaz Labs has been knocking it out of the park with their latest AI based photo editing apps. The latest, DeNoise AI, removes noise in photographs using artificial intelligence. The app isn’t perfect and takes quite some time for each photo. But it does a nice job considering.
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Reducing noise and photographs can be a pain in the butt. I can’t deny that. There’s software like Photoshop and light room that can remove noise. There’s software like on one foot or Raul that can remove noise and luminosity that can remove noise and so on and so on. There’s endless software that can remove noise, but I’m doing a series and an artificial intelligence in photography, so, so the software I want to show you is a new one from Topaz labs called de Noise Ai. It uses artificial intelligence to remove noise in photographs. Hey, this is Scott Wyden Kivowitz, a storyteller with a camera talking about all the things photographers like you and I are thinking about in this video we’re talking about removing and reducing noise in your photographs, but before we dive in, click that subscribe button below now because I publish new videos every Monday and Thursday whenever possible.
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So you can see if I was to show you the original, this is actually what it looks like. We can actually zoom out as well. Okay, so here is the full photo. Uh, almost a full photo. You can see that you don’t see all the edges, but this is basically the full photo and you can see that there’s a lot of noise in the shadows because I underexpose the image and then brightened it in post for this purpose. Now if I was to take away the original, you can see that it actually did remove the noise here. If I was to do a split, you can see is actually removing the noise. It did soften it a bunch and made it look a little fake. But you can actually enhance that. You can enhance that, the sharpness and every time you make an adjustment, the Ai is going to try and adjust that photo.
So you’re going to see the reprocessing every single time. So it can take a good amount of time to get this done. This software isn’t the fastest, uh, compared to other AI software that Topaz has done in the past. This one is probably the slowest of them all for good reason. It has a lot of things that it needs to do to correct. And you can see it did actually sharpen that a little bit. So now it looks a little bit better and I would probably keep that going on the turn off the automatically update preview and just sharpen a little bit more. And now I can manually update the preview on I’m ready. Um, we can even restore some detail and then let’s update the preview. Now this is going to take it again, it’s gonna take another minute or so to, for it to examine the photo and you know, add in that the changes I made in the settings.
But uh, once it’s done you, we should see even more sharpness in those shadow areas. Uh, but what you’re seeing is again, artificial intelligence doing this for us. We don’t have to figure it out so much. We’re letting the software do that thinking for us. So that’s kind of where artificial intelligence I think can be good and bad. It’s done. Let’s have a look. I think it did a pretty good job. If you look at this now the sharpness is actually pretty good, doesn’t like as fake. It still looks a little fake cause it’s still soft. But you could see it did remove all that. Now, what I would probably do at this point, because I don’t want, if you look at, if I take away that you can see that it’s also soft here, but if I was to do a split, you can see there’s actually more detail in the brick when it’s before.
And same thing for these, these pillars here, these beams here, there’s a more detail even over here, the wood, so I would probably save this and then bring it back into something like Photoshop or wherever and mask away the areas where I don’t want the noise to actually do anything, but there you go. That is Topaz labs de noise in a nutshell. You drag an image, it automatically detects what it needs to do, and then you can further adjust it as you want to pass the noise. Ai, check it out. You might like it. Thanks for watching. See in the next video.
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