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Candid photography in a formal situation

Candid photography in the studio

Candid photography in the studio

When photographing headshots of an actor, model, CEO, or anyone for that matter, there is one thing that I try to do that is always consistent.  I always try to photograph candids even in a formal studio situation.

While photographing Josh for his updated headshots, he was stretching his muscles from constant smiling for a while.  During his stretching I captured some fun candids.  I figured that instead of posting the shots large I would show a “film strip” or contact sheet of the fun candids.

I hope you like them!

Candid photography in the studio

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,


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385 responses to “Candid photography in a formal situation”

  1. Great ideal; I’ve done this for portraiture clients, but never for a formal session, only the more creative ones. I’ll have to try this in the future.

    1. Please post your results! Would love to see them.

  2. I can see fun shots working for an actor.. not so sure a ceo…

    1. CEOs’ can have fun. Not all of them, but many.

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