When the sun goes down and you are left with very little natural light and the beginnings of moon-light, what do you do?
Hand holding a camera when it is dark out, can be difficult, even for someone with the steadiest hands.
When the sun goes down and I am walking without a tripod, I use my surroundings.
I was walking with family up the Point Pleasant, New Jersey boardwalk. When I reached the end and turned to my left, I noticed this beautiful scene. The sun had seconds left before it disappeared for the rest of the day. There was a hand rail in front of me, so for this photo I sat the camera on the rail and held on to the camera tight. There is still risk of shake when resting on something that is slippery, but I pulled it off.
Use your surroundings.
Gear: Leica M9, 50mm
Processing: Lightroom, FocalPoint
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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