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What would you ask a photographer?

questions, photographer, legit, facebook, chance, question

If you had the chance to interview a photographer that you admired what questions would you ask? If there was only one question you were able to get an answer to, what would it be?

Please share your questions by commenting below.

Please include a website or legit email address that I can get in touch with you if need be. Your questions may be used in a future interview series. Credit and links will be given if your questions are used.

You can also share your questions with me on Twitter or Facebook.

note: Please try to keep the questions serious. The photographs that art participating in this interview series are willing to answer any questions thrown their way, to a point.

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26 responses to “What would you ask a photographer?”

  1. My question is : Is there something you always ask to yourself/think just before you push the button ?

  2. Faylin Myhre Avatar
    Faylin Myhre

    A couple questions~1. Can you describe that "moment" (experience, emotion,) when you knew that photography was something you just had to do?2. If you could take your art in any direction without fear of failure or rejection, where would it lead. What new thing would you try.

  3. I would ask 'Do you find yourself always looking at the World wondering how it would look as a photograph?' I know I do most of the time.

  4. Question: Why don't they make more strobes w/focusable Fresnel lenses? I can see the benefits of soft boxes, particularly those with grids, but a hard, hot-light look could potentially make for more dramatic images. Your view?

  5. That's a good question Donald but it's more for the manufacturers not the photographer that uses the equipment. Thanks for posting!

  6. Fred Shively Avatar
    Fred Shively

    I'd also ask how the hell do I get rid of my wife's photo which mysteriously keeps appearing on things like this!

    1. Do you think a photographer should have a license to become a professional or call them self one!

  7. I'm sorry, I don't get it :/

  8. diddydonn Avatar

    When did you know Photography would be your career of choice?

  9. That question is already in the interview. Thanks for submitting and keep them coming!

  10. fredshively Avatar

    Is that a new telephoto or are you just happy to see me? Sorry, I'll get serious. Sort of. Ask about influences other than photographers. Artists, writers, music, architects, philosophers.

  11. "How tall is your dad?"

  12. I would want to know about where they get their passion for their work from. I believe all great photographers (like most professions) have a above average commitment to their work and an undying belief in what they are doing. This might only come in periods throughout their life but it would be great to know what the likes of Robert Frank and Jacques Henri Lartigue had pushing them forward.

  13. That question is asked in the interviews :-) Thanks for the comment!

  14. Ed Congdon Avatar

    From a relative newcomer to the portrait/wedding photography business, what are the relative pros and cons of providing the customer with a CD/ROM of the images from a shoot?

  15. Scott, more relating to your work:
    – What do you particularly like about this photo?
    – What was hard about taking this photo?
    – What was the key attribute that allowed you to take the photo? (patience, seeing the world, creating it…?)

  16. kristINE jones Avatar
    kristINE jones

    1. How did you become interested in wildlife and landscape photography?
    2. What would be some tips you would give to a beginning photographer?
    3. What kind of animal or landscape is your favorite to photograph and why?
    4. How do you become a photographer? Is there any certain degree you need to become successful in the field?
    5. What is it that interests you most about photography?
    6. Was photography your first choice of a career? Is it something you’ve always wanted to do?
    7. About how much can a freelance photographer make in a year?
    8. What do people look for most?
    9. What kind of people am I expected to meet as a photographer in wildlife/landscape?

  17. How much! and will you work with the amout of income I got!
    how long have you been interested in photograohy?
    what type of photgraphy do you do?
    do you like the photographer?
    do you like their work?
    will they do a list of shots/angles that you want?

  18. -What are some favorite things about being a photographer? What are some challenges you’ve encountered?
    -What type of camera do you recommend? Equipment?
    -How has photography influenced you as a person?
    -What are your favorite things to photograph? Favorite type (action, landscape, portrait, etc.)?
    -What software do you use to manipulate your photographs?
    -What is your favorite photograph that you have ever taken?
    -Some photographers say that they see the world differently, and that they have a different perspective on life. What is your perspective on the world and on life?

  19. Tom budzinski Avatar
    Tom budzinski

    Why black and white or color?

  20. Caroline Avatar

    what career opportunities do you have? What experience and responsibilities do you have? I have to ask a photographer those questions for a project in my commercial photography class and I sure hope you are able to answer.

  21. Just wonder for a presentation I have to do for my future job before I get out of high school, what are the pros and cons of being a freelance photographer?

  22. can u work indoor and outdoor? why?

  23. Iona Vogels Avatar
    Iona Vogels

    Hi! My name is Iona Vogels, I am a 12 year old girl and i love taking photos but i’m not exactly sure how to use my camera i have a Nikon D3100. I have no idea how to use it but i usually take photos with my phone, i take photos because it helps me calm down and i find it is something that i love doing so if you have any tips on how to get better, or how to use my camera pleas tell me!!! Thanks a bunch


    1. Spend time looking at what you are taking a photo of before you click or it’s just a snapshot!

  24. Brianna Avatar

    why did you want to become a photographer

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