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Wed Pick: Selling your products and service quickly, cleanly and easily

I was introduced to Wed Pick via a tweet from Seshu a few months back. I checked it out and saw how simple it was so I purchased it. Wed Pick uses an iFrame to show on your website. Aside from that one drawback Wed Pick really is a great solution for showing your prices and having customers get in touch. Wed Pick is very SEO friendly out of the box (except for the iFrame problem). With help from the Thesis community I was able to make a custom page which no longer needs an iFrame. You can see my Wed Pick services page in action by clicking SERVICES in the navigation bar up top.

If you like what you see you will love what comes next. Wed Pick is soon going to be at version 2 which comes with some major upgrades like product thumbnails. Check out these screen shots and see for yourself.

So what it comes down to is this. If you want a simple solution that is quick and clean for any website then Wed Pick is right for you. If you can figure out some extra coding or can hire someone to make it so you don’t need the iFrame then even better!

Here is the code for Thesis users to make a custom page using Wed Pick and NO iFrame. Make sure to change appropriate parts to match your own site and make your pricing page to use a “custom template”

Got it? Anyway, back to Wed Pick. Below is a YouTube video Wed Pick created for your enjoyment.

So give it a try, test out their live demo and purchase using my affiliate link. Yes I make a commission on the sale, but no I am not “paid” to write this. I really believe that Wed Pick is great and will keep getting better!

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,

Since this post I have switched from using Wed Pick to Gravity Forms

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