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Revealed – Church in the rock

Melissa and I were on vacation in Tempe, Arizona visiting her friend.  We planned a day trip up to Sedona and stopped at all the tourist spots.  When we drove up to the church I found the perfect angle for my shot.  I took a couple regular frame and then changed the exposure to compose for an HDR.  I took 9 photographs of the church to really capture all of the detail I saw.  Using PhotoMatix I compiled the files and made finishing touches in Photoshop.  I am very happy with the photo and apparently many people liked it enough that it made it into JPG Magazine.  Shortly after I took this photo it started raining hard so I wasn’t able to capture much more.  I hope to get out to Sedona again one day to capture more beautiful sights.

The church is Chapel of the Holy Cross in Sedona, AZ. In 1932 Marguerite Bruswig Staude wanted to build a structure that would glorify her Creator and in thanksgiving for all that her family had received. She traveled throughout Europe looking for the ideal location. She returned to the United States and while her and her husband Tony traveled through Sedona, she was struck by the beauty of the area and decided that this chapel should be built here. “This would be a monument to faith, but a spiritual fortress so charged with God, that it spurs man’s spirit godward”.

See my original post about being published here
This photo was published in JPG Magazine‘s 19th Issue on pages 40 – 41 in the Places of worship theme 11/2008

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