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On the sixth day of Christmas… Nik Software


nik-softwareAnother day another gift.  Today’s winner will receive the Nik Software plugin of his/her choice.  Fun right?

To win this gift, comment below with the plugin that you would choose.  Nik Software has a lot of amazing plugins so check out each one form their website and think carefully as you only get to pick one!
I will use random.org to pick a winner.  Please use a working email address, otherwise a new winner will be picked.  (Double bonus fun points if you tweet this post to your friends… I will still be picking at random but it doesn’t hurt to share)

The easiest way to find out about the next free photography gift is to subscribe to my blog via RSS or Email

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90 responses to “On the sixth day of Christmas… Nik Software”

  1. Noise reduction, color effects or sharpen. Thank you :)

  2. Since I already own Silver & Color Efex Pro & Viveza 2 I would pick HDR Efex Pro

  3. I’m gonna go with noise reduction!!! Thanks!

  4. HDR Efex – I’ve got everything else.

    1. HDR Efex – I dont have any and this one is the one i would start with

  5. Sharpener Pro – that would be AWESOME!!!!

  6. Definitely HDR EFEX PRO™ since I want to start exploring.

  7. Cindy Landrum Avatar
    Cindy Landrum

    HDR Efex Pro because I’ve got the rest.

  8. HDR please!

  9. Jon Stolarski Avatar
    Jon Stolarski

    I’m thinking “Silver Efex Pro”. I’ve heard lot’s of good things about it.

  10. Viveza 2

  11. Silver Efex Pro or Viveza 2 – I look forward to flipping a coin!

  12. I would love to use HDR Efex Pro

  13. Viveza 2…. Would love to start working selectively.

  14. Defenitly HDR Efex Pro, because that’s what I’m working with now.

  15. I would absolutely love Nik Viveza software.

  16. I’d like to give Silver Efex Pro a whirl – Thanks!

  17. So many choices, I think I would like Color Efex Pro.

  18. This one is tough! There are a couple I’ve been wanting to try… But I think I’d pick Sharpener Pro.

  19. Color Efex Pro. Thanks

  20. Steve Stanger Avatar
    Steve Stanger

    I have the NIK Software suite, but not HDR Efex Pro. That’s the one I’d want.

  21. It would be a tough choice but I think I would end up going for Silver Efex Pro over HDR Efex Pro (though I would likely buy the other one if I won one :-) ).

  22. Jim Denham Avatar

    I would love to have the Silver Efex Pro. That would be awesome!

  23. The one — the ONLY one — I don’t currently have is Viveza 2. Guess which one I really want?

  24. Suzanne Offner Avatar
    Suzanne Offner

    HDR Efex Pro – I have all the others. Love NIk plug-ins.

  25. Erica watson Avatar
    Erica watson

    I think the silver efex pro! But it’s hard to choose!

  26. Tough choice between Noise Reduction and Silver Efex Pro; I think the latter would be the choice as I simply don’t do enough black and white at this time. Happy New Year to you.

  27. Well, if I could pick any it would be the Complete Collection Ultimate Edition…but I don’t think that was the option. So, if not ;-) I would go with the amazing Color Efex Pro™ 3.0, since I am having trouble getting my color to pop! Thanks Scott!!!

  28. Brandt Steinhaser Avatar
    Brandt Steinhaser

    Silver Efex Pro. Everyone talks about how awesome it is. I would love to give it a go for myself!

  29. I would have to say Capture NX 2 or Dfine 2.

  30. HDR Efex Pro for me please !

  31. Just a notice Scott, previous days I commented through Disqus and now my comments are tagged as anonymous.

    Thats not fair but thanks anyway for the freebies !

  32. I’d go with the Silver Efex Pro. Good stuff.

  33. Capture NX 2 for me. Loved it with the trial version I had.
    Thanks :-)

  34. It would be Silver Efex Pro for me.

  35. Silver Efex Pro most certainly! I already have Color Efex Pro, Define and HDR Efex Pro. Silver Efex would round out the company :~)

  36. I would love to win a copy of Silver Efex Pro.

  37. Definitely would choose DFine. I’ve been evaluating the noise reduction software out there, and it’s one of the ones on my list (was introduced to it at PDN Photo Plus).

    Interesting to see what others have stated.

  38. Tony Salonia Avatar
    Tony Salonia

    Silver Efex Pro

  39. I would love a copy of HDR Efex Pro.

  40. Oh oh – Dfine 2.0! ( please :) )

  41. Capture NX 2!

  42. Color Efex Pro 3.0 :)

  43. I’ll go with Viveza 2, please. :)

  44. I would choose silver efex pro. B&W, the most fundamental of photo imagery is also the one that it is hardest to render with consistency in the digital age. silver efex enables creating that are rendered with the specific styles of well known varieties of b&w film.

  45. I would love to get my hands on silver efex pro

  46. I would love to own Viveza 2, I tried 30-day trial, and still cannot get budget for full version.

  47. Oh man…I’d love to give HDR Efex Pro a try!

  48. either hdr or noise reduction

  49. HDR Efex Pro!!

  50. I would choose HDR Efex Pro as many of the top HDR shooters have made the switch from Photomatix Pro because it seems to produce superior results.

  51. Jason Eaton Avatar
    Jason Eaton

    I would have to do with ColorFX or Viveza personally. Kind of excited about this, might have to download the demo!

  52. HDR Efex Pro would be lovely!

  53. Danielle Koontz Avatar
    Danielle Koontz

    Nik Silver Efex!

  54. HDR EFEX PRO – I would like to try it out for comparison.

  55. Douglas Cocks Avatar
    Douglas Cocks

    It would be Silver effects pro for me

  56. VIVEZA 2 sure would help out my photography career going into the new year. :)

  57. Greg Crider Avatar
    Greg Crider

    Silver efex pro

  58. HDR Efex Pro – wishing myself good luck!

    Cheers, Erik

  59. Silver Efex or HDR … would be really great to have … :)

  60. HDR Efex – I dont have any of these but the HDR Efex would be a great start

  61. Matt Millard Avatar
    Matt Millard

    I’m sure I can find one that I will love!

  62. Karen Johnson Avatar
    Karen Johnson

    Silver Effex Pro! Without a doubt!

  63. Silver Efex Pro sonds like the one I could use the most :-)

  64. John Wart, jr Avatar
    John Wart, jr

    Capture NX2 looks the most interesting to me!

  65. I would love the Color Efex Pro 3.0!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  66. I have Silver Efex and love it! I would choose HDR Efex.

  67. Color Effects Pro hands down.

  68. Kyle Reynolds Avatar
    Kyle Reynolds

    VIVEZA 2 would be great

  69. definitely Silver Efex!

  70. christina Avatar

    oh, HDR Efx Pro, definitely!

  71. HDR Efex Pro

  72. hmmmmm…I’m thinking…Noise Reduction…

  73. I would like to try HDR Efex Pro!

  74. Benjamin Herrera Avatar
    Benjamin Herrera

    I would have to choose between Viveza 2 and HDR Efex Pro. I hope I am forced to make the decision.

  75. I would love to have their HDR plugin.

  76. Silver Efex Pro paleasssse

  77. I would pick Nik Color Efex Pro

  78. Dude!!! Any and all of them!!!!!! Come on random.org!!!! Pick me pick me pick me!!

  79. Michele D Avatar

    Because I love black and white photos, I’d choose the Silver Efex Pro.

    Thanks Scott for all of these giveaways.

  80. I’ve got Nik ColorEfex Pro. hope to get Nik Silver Efex Pro ! Thanks for sharing

  81. I’m loving Viveza2!

  82. I like to have HDR plug-in

  83. Viveza 2 would be my choice!

  84. HDR Efex Pro. I think…..

  85. Only one, huh? I think the one that would be of the most benefit now is VIVEZA® 2.

  86. I would be really grateful for DFine 2.0 – many thanks!

  87. Yay! The HDR EFEX PRO™ caught my attention if not the full Collection for Lightroom.

    Recently I was not able to purchase the full Collection for Lightroom with discounts from NIK’s US website (I would have ordered already).. I’m forced to go to the German reseller but all discount codes doesnt word there..


  88. HDR Efex Pro as I have the rest and they rock!