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My #1 Prediction for Photography in 2011

medium format HDR search

medium format HDR search We all have our theories for what will happen in the photography industry this new year.  My top prediction for 2011 is as follows.

I believe that we will start seeing more and more medium format HDR.  Whether it is companies designing HDR specific products for medium format or companies like Mamiya building HDR functions into the firmware.

Now that a good friend of mine, and amazing photographer, got his hands on a beautiful medium format camera and produced stunning results it is only a matter of time before that trend takes off.

That’s just my prediction.  What is yours?


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385 responses to “My #1 Prediction for Photography in 2011”

  1. I think HDR really took off in 2010 more than anything. The HDR trend will continue for sure. DPReview just started a long series on it. Like super long chapter…. more photographers that have been into HDR for years now will get totally sick of talking about it and using the term “HDR”

    Early adopters of HDR will move on to something else – What will that be? Will it be in 2011? hmmm

    1. I can see it being over used/discussed. It’s a very high possibility.

  2. Brian Matiash Avatar
    Brian Matiash

    Thanks for the kind words and link, amigo. Greatly appreciated. I hope to play with some more MF bodies in ’11 :)

    I do have to agree w/Scotty Webb, though. I’ve shot ‘HDR’ for about 5 years now. I’ve seen so many debates and self-fulfilling posts about what is & what isn’t HDR, that the focus around just enjoying photography gets diluted. I’m a photographer and I am not defined by the manufacturer of my camera nor the processing techniques I employ.

    I hope, more than predict, that 2011 brings a topical shift in posts focusing on the core and essence of photography. I may stop processing in HDR some day but I will never, ever stop photographing.

    With that said, I am really thankful to have become great friends with you in ’10 and can’t wait to see what adventures we’ll have in ’11.

    1. I also agree that the fun of photography is not “pushed” by the camera manufacturers but that isn’t a surprise. I don’t think any of them have really released something new for cameras that has really improved cameras in such a long time. Heck, most digital SLR’s still have micro-focus problems and people don’t even realize. But with that said, that is why my prediction is towards something more “trendy” of the time.

      I have always shot whatever I felt at the time. Sometimes I plan on shooting HDR and am not prepared *oops* HAHA. Either way, I can’t wait for our new adventures as well!

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