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Mozy no more a photographer’s offsite backup solution


MozyHomeMozy sent an email out today informing of policy changes.  Mozy was once the best (in my opinion) solution for a photographer to backup their work, offsite and in ‘the cloud”.  It was affordable, at $5 a month.  Now, Mozy wants to charge $6 for 50GB of space.  Yea, that could be one PSD file.  Sorry Mozy, but you lost a customer.  I will be leaving my Mozy account active until I replace it with another offsite backup solution.  For the record, I like to have two forms of offsite backup at minimum.

Dear Scott Wyden Kivowitz,

Thanks for being a valued Mozy subscriber. For the first time since 2006, we’re adjusting the price of our MozyHome service and wanted to give you a heads up. As part of this change, we’re replacing our MozyHome Unlimited backup plan and introducing the following tiered storage plans:

50 GB for $5.99 per month (includes backup for 1 computer)
125 GB for $9.99 per month (includes backup for up to 3 computers)

You may add additional computers (up to 5 in total) or 20 GB increments of storage to either of the plans, each for a monthly cost of $2.00.

While this policy takes effect for new MozyHome customers starting today, your MozyHome Unlimited subscription is still valid for the duration of your current 2 year term. In order to ensure uninterrupted service, you’ll need to select a new renewal plan.

As the leader in online backup, we’re committed to continually providing the highest levels of service and protection that you’ve come to expect from us as well as delivering those innovations you’ve been asking for. For more information on the factors that led to this change, please read my note or visit our FAQ.

Be safe,
Harel Kodesh

Bye Mozy, you were once great.

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14 responses to “Mozy no more a photographer’s offsite backup solution”

  1. Wow that is a HUGE difference. Let me know what solutions you come up with. I am looking into offline storage that won’t be a headache.

    1. I’m not going to be using “the cloud” anymore. I’m going to get another g-tech raid backup drive and bring it to the bank vault each month

  2. I just received that message too! I’ve got 281 gigs up there. I used Crash Plan before. It seemed to be pretty reliable. But I wanted a company that had been around awhile and that was proven. So I went with Mozy. But I may go back to Crash Plan. They go from $5.00 per month for a monthly plan down to less than $3.00 per month for 4 year plan – all unlimited!

    1. After JungleDisk changes their structure and Mozy changes theirs I’m avoiding the cloud as my 2nd backup solution.

  3. I’m in the same boat .. my current backup of the main machine is hovering around 700 gigs – meaning that the new Mozy prizing creates over a 1000% price hike.

    After looking around for alternatives, I ended up with two companies on the shortlist: Backblaze and CrashPlan. And since CrashPlan gave a 15% discount for ex-Mozy users I went with their Family plan for 120$/year. Now I just have wait for the first initial backup to complete.

    1. Waiting for 700GB to backup again is going to be a while. How is your internet connection?

      1. I’m currently behind a 200/10Mb cable connection but I’m considering bringing my HDs to work that has a even fatter (and symmetric) pipe.

        One further alternative is to use crashplan’s service where they ship you a HD that you fill and send back, making the initial backup simple (this option is also available for backup restoration, btw). This service is only available to their US customers (which I’m not) but I have a number of work colleagues in the US whom I could use as a “proxy” for this, if needed (I meet them once every 2 months or so face-to-face).

  4. Same here… I have 550gb on Mozy = 3 years of photography plus other stuff. It’s like 60$ per month on their new plan: LOL

    When I think of all the pain and long uploads to get the initial upload online on their server !!! I was finally able to make daily backups now and booooom.. Kinda pissed off…

    Will drop mozy as soon as my subscription stops, and will find something else…

    1. Once I pick up a new g-tech raid drive I will be removing everything from Mozy. I’d rather not wait.

  5. Brandt Steinhauser Avatar
    Brandt Steinhauser

    I hope this isn’t a trend that other off-site backups start following.

    I am currently using Backblaze. $5 a month for unlimited data. So far its been good for me.

    1. I’m sure it will be. JungleDisk changed theirs which is why I switched to Mozy. It’s a slow chain reaction.

  6. I’m not really surprised. $5/month for unlimited data was one of those offers that sounded too good to be true. It did a good job of bringing folks into the service but as more and more folks move to “the cloud” with large amounts of data, it doesn’t scale.

    I use online backup for pretty much all of my non-photo files, but for the amount of data I have for photos, I’m using multiple offline solutions.

    1. Having multiple offsite backups is ideal for sure.

  7. I am not one to post on the internet in fact this is the first time i have ever, but after i realized how much money it was going to cost me to keep Mozy i went out of my way to specifically google – “pissed off about mozy new pricing” – I am in the same boat 650 plus – I agree with Yannick took forever to finally get everything backed up and bam they hit me with this – luckily i did a 2 year before they changed so at least i can enjoy it while it last well into 2012 – Maybe if enough people complain and threaten to leave they will adopt a new price structure – I mean come on i can go buy a new external every month and store it at work or family member house for what i would end up paying a month – ATTN: MOZY if your reading this change up your plan or your going to lose alot of customers – I say do a plan for 1 TB for $12.99 and 2 TB for $19.99 and if you choose to read my post and do this i will log in and update my renewal plan online that your saying if i don’t i could lose my information

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