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The Mill Of Milltown


My wife teaches in a small town in New Jersey. The town is so small that its considering a school district merge with neighboring towns.

Yesterday was her last day teaching before summer. So as a good husband, I worked out of the town’s library across the street from the school. After the kids were let out, I met up with my wife and helped her break down and pack up her classroom.


However, before working I was walking around the town and took a lot of photographs.

Now, Milltown has this beautiful old mill and I got a lot of photographs of it. Not until afterwards did I find out the history of the mill and the town. Very interesting stuff.

In 1812 the town was called Bergen’s Mill and had a community of 25. The Meyer Rubber Co. was the big company in town until it burnt down in 1845. Years later, in 1906, Milltown became the home of Russell Playing Card Co. and then in 1907, Michelin Tire Co. The building that you see in this photo is the Michelin factory which closed its doors in 1930. Of course, as business goes, Russell Playing Card Co. was acquired in 1936 by the United States Playing Card Co. and moved to Ohio. In 1970 the library, where I spent the day working, opened.

So there you have it – the cool history of a small New Jersey town.

I’m a fan of Michelin tires and never knew they started here. Makes me proud to be from New Jersey.

Equipment: Leica M9, Zeiss 25mm at f/4 1/750 ISO 160

Processing: Lightroom 4

Thanks for reading and happy shooting,

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2 responses to “The Mill Of Milltown”

  1. Neat image – love that repeating roofline pattern.

    1. Thanks Aaron, I appreciate that!

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