While in Lambertville, NJ I was shown this amazing artwork. If you can’t tell from first glance you need to step back to enjoy the creative nature of this piece. Yes, it’s the Fireman’s Coat of Arms made out of firetruck parts.
I shot this a few days after the big blizzard here in New Jersey. The sky was still grey, with a hint of blue coming through. The ground was still covered in dirty snow and everything just looked gross. With that said, I shot as many brackets as I could that day just in case. I wanted to make sure I had the entire range of the scene because a single exposure just didn’t do this justice. This is on a main street with a bit of traffic, and I was standing nearly in the street so I couldn’t get the angle I wanted but I am still happy that I captured such an amazing piece of artwork. I plan on going back when the weather is nice and getting a better shot of this.
Thank you to all the firemen and women out there who save lives every day. This one is for you.
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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