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Komodo Dragon

Varanus komodoensis

My favorite animal.  It is a known fact by my friends and family that I have always loved Komodo Dragons.  Every so often I hop on eBay and try to buy any unusual Komodo Dragon things I can find.  I have things from coins, stamps, wooden sculptures, pens, and more on my shelf of collectibles along side my vintage camera collection.  If you own a Playstation 3 and play online you may see me around as ‘Komodo Vs You’.  Sounds evil right?  I mean, who would want to get in a fight with a Komodo Dragon?  Not me!

Why I love Komodo Dragons (I really don’t know 100% why I love them but I do)

  • The largest lizard
  • The oldest living lizard
  • Not venomous but has so much bacteria that one small scratch will kill
  • FAST
  • Can climb
  • Love to be pet

Komodo Dragon Facts

  • Type: Reptile
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Average lifespan in the wild: 30 years+
  • Size: 10 ft (3 m)
  • Weight: 330 lbs (150 kg)
  • Can run up to 11 miles an hour (18 kph) in short bursts.
  • Protection status: Endangered
  • Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man

These photos were taken at the Natural History Museum in NYC

What is your favorite animal and why?

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2 responses to “Komodo Dragon”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    I see that you are into the Komodo Dragon Lizard. Do you know alot about lizards? I have a few questions if you don’t mind me asking??? Not sure how often you check this but if you don’t mind answeing a few quick questions please let me know.
    Thanks so much,
    Jennifer J.Feddon@yahoo.com

  2. Jennifer,

    I suggest researching more around the internet. Although I love Komodo Dragons, I am not expert on the subject of lizards.

    Thanks for reading my post!


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