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It’s time for a float

32 Float from Unified Color

32 Float from Unified ColorA 32bit float that is.

Unified Color released their new Photoshop HDR plugin called 32 float.

32 Float™ is the first fully featured 32-bit color editing plug-in for Adobe® Photoshop® based on Beyond RGB™ color space. With 32 Float you can adjust color, brightness and contrast while maintaining a full 32-bit workflow. It accepts 32-bit HDR or 8/16 LDR images from any application and can produce crisp, photo-realistic images without ha los or color shifts. This digital photography software package includes the Photoshop filter plug-in and the BEF file format plug-in for CS3, CS4 and CS5.

Right now you can save $20 by purchasing 32 Float but their introductory offer won’t last long.  If you are reading this and the price has gone up please use my discount code scottwyden to save 10%!

32-float-product-box32 Float – Key Features

  • Provides unprecedented 32-bit image editing tools for Photoshop via filter plug-in.
  • Compatible with Photoshop CS3, CS4 & CS5.
  • Full support for 64-bit computing architecture (x64) on Mac and Windows.
  • Enables local HDR editing on 32-bit images via layer masks prior to tone mapping or return tone mapped images to 16 or 8-bit to Photoshop.
  • Accepts 8, 16 & 32-bit RGB images as input from any source in Photoshop.
  • HDR image brightness histogram with visible range indicator and digital readout for RGB and Bch values.
  • Based on Unified Color’s patented Beyond RGB™ color model, allowing for tonal adjustments without color shifts or halos.
  • Adjust HDR tonal range with Brightness/Contrast, Local Contrast, Shadow/Highlight and Veiling Glare correction tools.
  • Adjust HDR color with White Balance, Saturation and Selective Color Tuning Controls.
  • Best of class halo reduction algorithms.
  • Perform Sharpening and Noise Reduction on 32-bit Images.
  • Single click Dynamic Range Mapping tool.
  • Save favorite settings as presets.
  • Save favorite processing steps as recipes to apply to other images.
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4 responses to “It’s time for a float”

  1. Aaron Hockley Avatar
    Aaron Hockley

    I like the idea, but I'll note that in the RSS feed, none of the images show.

    I was a bit confused at first until I clicked through.

    1. They work for me Aaron. What RSS reader are you using?

      1. Aaron Hockley Avatar
        Aaron Hockley

        Google Reader

        1. I am as well. That is odd.

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