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I Heart JPG Magazine

Bridge Between Friends - Scott Wyden Imagery

jpgmag.com Subscriber since May 2008
2 Hot Photos
1 Published Photo

Ever since my photo was published in JPG Magazine my jpgmag.com popularity has jumped beyond the level I thought it would. I’m a very humble person. I know I have an eye for photography and am good at what I do but I don’t go around praising myself every step of the way. I am not one for saying I am better than you, or I did this, I did that, I would have done this better, etc… To me that is very shady and gross.

I am very honored that people like my work as much as they do and I’m glad I have the ability to share my work with the world.

As I type this my “If I only had a” photo is getting great comments and has been added favorite by 13 jpgmag.com users. Thank you to everyone for your kind words and I hope to keep bringing you photos to check out in the future

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