I was offered a great photo gig on February 12th to photograph an event with Miss America. I started organizing my gear for the event, charging necessary batteries, etc…
I will be using two Nikon D700 bodies. One with the Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 and the other with the Nikon 70-300 f/4.5-5.6 lens. Both bodies will have SB-900 flashes attached. I will be using the Think Tank belt w/ two Nikon SB-800’s pouched, the Spider Holster will be holding one body while the other is on my shoulder. Melissa will have a Think Tank UD bag being used as an assistant’s bag. Inside will be PocketWizards, clamps, extra batteries and one more SB-800. Also with me will be a lot of business cards.
Photo Tip: When preparing for a job, map out what you might need and prepare in advance. Charge your batteries, wipe your memory cards and get your camera set for the specific job.
Thanks for reading and happy shooting,
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