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Did your webcam stop working? This could be your fix


This week my iSight stopped working with web apps and AIR apps. I found the cause.  Adobe recently updated its product, AIR.  I found out from John Wu (of Spark booth) that it created the iSight to stop functioning.  When I followed John’s instructions it still did not work so I took another step and reverted to a previous version of Flash as well.  It actually worked!  So my recommendation is, try reverting to previous versions of both Adobe AIR and Flash and it may fix yours too.

If you are running Spark Booth on a Mac, do not update your Adobe AIR runtime to 2.5.1 which was released this week. Adobe AIR 2.5.1 for Mac seems to have broken the camera access.

If you do have 2.5.1 installed, you can go back to 2.5.0:

Download a previous Adobe Flash version at https://kb2.adobe.com/cps/142/tn_14266.html

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