We woke up planning on visiting a Flea Market outside of Charlotte. We got ready and left. It’s 10 miles from where we are staying in Huntersville. To keep it simple…it was a waste. However, we traveled to a Wachovia to withdrawl some money and found a funny truck I photographed. I will post the pictures when I return home.
We decided to drive into Charlotte and see what is around for our day tomorrow. When we got in most of the streets were closed off do to a Martin Luther King Jr. Parade going on. A parade like that is worth seeing down south. It is completely different than what a MLK Jr. Parade is like in New Jersey. We checked out the visiter center and a local market somewhat like Trader Joes but not nearly as cool. I got a beer called Ska Beer (cool name) with a wax cover over the top. It has a Ska decor on the label. It is neat. Also got wine from Biltmore. That is the winery we are doing a tour of on Monday.
We headed back to Melissa’s cousins house for her seven year old cousins birthday party. It was a Hannah Montana party. Seven year olds are funny. Tonight Melissa’s cousins got a sitter and we are heading out to Carpe Diem Resturaunt in Charlotte for a nice dinner.
We have some plans for tomorrow but I will write it up then.
Thanks for reading
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