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Captivating Color: A Guide to Dramatic Color Photography

In Captivating Color: A Guide to Dramatic Color Photography (48-page ebook), award-winning photographer Mitchell Kanashkevich shows you how to see color—and use it to create stunning photographs.

As the name suggests – it’s all about helping readers ‘see’ and ‘understand’ how to use ‘color’ in their photography.

It’s a beautifully presented eBook with lots of stunning images and some great advice.

The Deal

  1. 25% off – normally $19.99 but it selling for $14.99 (for the first two weeks)
  2. A Bonus eBook – bundles with one of Mitchell’s own eBooks  (Seeing the Light) with Captivating Color. It brings the total value of the bundle to $32.

You’ll be able to read it cover to cover in a couple of hours, but the impact will last you a lifetime. It’s a book that will show to how to use color to ignite your photographic creativity. Receive $5 off Captivating Color when you order in the next week for just $14.99—and get Seeing the Light (worth $12) free of charge.

Is the eBook for You?

That depends.  If you want to create striking images that evoke strong emotions, capture photos that “speak” to the viewer, grasp the full potential of any photographic moment, master the use of color during the shoot and apply post-production techniques to create truly compelling images. Then sure, it’s for you.

In the eBook you will understand how color affects visual weight and influences attention, use color hierarchy to tell stories and convey mood, combine subjects and colors to intensify emotion, learn how light and color work together, and how you can use them to their greatest effect, optimize color temperature and balance using professional post-processing techniques and manipulate the shoot—and your images—for maximum visual impact.

Captivating Color provides rare professional insights and a fresh take on color. It opens the door to one of photography’s most important, and most overlooked elements. Few photographers realize the value of color in photography.  It teaches you to combine practical techniques with your own intuition. Color is a subjective topic. It gives you the skills to interpret color for maximum visual impact.  It will help to make your images sing.



Seeing the Light

(bonus with Captivating Color for one week only)

Seeing the Light presents Mitchell’s own on-the-road tips and guerilla techniques for harnessing the power of light in your images.  The 54-page ebook shows how to use the flash, the reflector, and natural light to create the best possible photos in any location.

I hope you pick this up. Thanks for reading and happy shooting,


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