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Best & Favorite Photographs of 2016


best-favorite-photographs-of-2016This past year had its ups and downs. The year started out awesome with my daughter turning one. Not long after this blog post is published she will be turning two.

I finally had an opportunity to attend a WPPI where Imagely launched its WordPress photo websites division.

My wife had series health scares, which have now cleared up thankfully.

I had a chance to photograph President Obama and family leaving for his administration.

I had the opportunity to teach at Canada Photo Convention and Out of New York Photography Conference. Both were a blast!

In 2017 I’ll be teaching for the Connecticut chapter of Professional Photographers Association and Out of Chicago Photography Conference. Maybe more – we will see!

This new year holds some great things for our family, my photography and at work. All which I will share in due time.

I had a great photowalk with friends at PhotoPlus Expo.
I had a great photowalk with friends at PhotoPlus Expo.
My brother in-law belted up and my father-in-law had the honor of presenting him the new belt.
My brother in-law belted up and my father-in-law had the honor of presenting him the new belt.
Layla turned 1 and wanted nothing to do with her cake smash.
Layla turned 1 and wanted nothing to do with her cake smash.
I had the pleasure of photographing The Second Line at a wedding in New Orleans.
I had the pleasure of photographing The Second Line at a wedding in New Orleans.
I witnessed an amazing sunrise in Jackson, Wyoming.
I witnessed an amazing sunrise in Jackson, Wyoming.
I photographed one of the most majestic scenes I have ever seen - at Grand Teton National Park. This was after a short, but middle of the night, hike.
I photographed one of the most majestic scenes I have ever seen – at Grand Teton National Park. This was after a short, but middle of the night, hike.
I photographed the Obama family boarding Air Force One and taking off.
I photographed the Obama family boarding Air Force One and taking off.
I photographed friends getting married in New Orleans, and had some fun with staging some group photos.
I photographed friends getting married in New Orleans, and had some fun with staging some group photos.
I photographed sunrise from above the clouds, in Leadville, Colorado.
I photographed sunrise from above the clouds, in Leadville, Colorado.
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4 responses to “Best & Favorite Photographs of 2016”

  1. Mike Criswell Avatar
    Mike Criswell

    Great set Scott, Happy Holidays to you and your family!

    1. Thanks Mike. Happy Holidays to yours as well.

  2. Great photos Scott. Layla’s birthday photo is especially good. Thanks again for taking part in my year end “Best Photos of the Year” blog project. It’s always great to see your photos each year. Have a great 2017!

    1. Hey Jim

      Thank you for compiling such incredible wrap ups year after year!

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